Tropical Storm Isaac Tips – Flood Damage Mitigation

FLASH offers the following tips to help preserve property and mitigate anticipated water or flood damage from Tropical Storm Isaac.  These tips are provided for use in areas where conditions still safely allow for outside preparations and/or the focus is on preserving home contents and possessions.

Outside Your Home

  • Analyze water flow through your yard and consider how water moves during a typical thunderstorm.  Inspect critical areas (storm drains, culverts, berms, gutters and downspouts) to identify potential blockage to proper flow of water away from your home.
  • Clear yard of any debris, plant material or items (garden décor, foliage, or garbage cans) that can block water flow and storm drains.
  • If time permits, secure and/or elevate outdoor appliances, AC units or storage tanks.

Inside Your Home

  • Place important papers (birth/marriage certificates, passports, bank and insurance information) in a watertight container and keep them close.  Take the container with you if evacuating or place in a high and dry location if sheltering in place.
  • Protect irreplaceable keepsakes including family photos, wedding albums, and baby pictures by placing in sealed plastic bags or watertight containers.
  • Take digital pictures or video to create an inventory of your personal possessions and keep the camera card handy in case of evacuation. Don’t forget to open closets and drawers to document all of your belongings as they will become part of any potential insurance claim.
  • Identify and move electronics and other expensive items (computers, televisions, phone systems, area rugs, expensive furniture) on lower levels of the home and elevate if possible to keep them dry.

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